Train as a toddler and children's yoga instructor
Learn how to teach toddler and children with our yoga-inspired instructor course across the UK and in your home. Our open course toddler and children's yoga instructor training courses take place twice a year in London and Manchester. We also offer an online distance learning option, allowing you to study from home, at your own pace, but still enjoy the fantastic support you get with a To Baby and Beyond course.
Instructor Training
Distance learning Toddler and Children's Yoga Instructor Training Course - £360
Payments plans available.
One to one face to face or virtual face to face Toddler and Children's Yoga Instructor Training Course - from £500 Please get in touch to find out more.
We have trained people almost 4000 infant massage, baby, toddler and children's yoga instructors who are out there teaching in many different settings such as private practice, children's and Flying Start centres, nurseries, paediatric wards, Portage services and additional needs schools, social services, cardiac units and special care baby units to name a few.
For our Certificate in using toddler yoga in your own child care settings ONLY please click here.
Teaching toddlers and children's sensory and yoga-inspired classes can be rewarding and a fantastic addition to other classes such as baby massage and baby yoga. Nurseries, schools and other child care settings also find toddler and pre-school yoga-inspired sessions a great asset to their setting as we keep the EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage) and KS1 curriculum in mind throughout our programme.
What is toddler and children's yoga?
Our sensory and yoga-inspired programme is a great way of introducing young children (18 months to 7 years) to stretches, movements, stories, songs, relaxation and sensory play and its many benefits. Our course weaves basic yoga-inspired poses and movements and sensory play into songs, traditional and modern stories making it fun and engaging for both children and parents.
Our programme has a strong emphasis on child development as well as teaching key development and life skills through the movement, sensory play, story telling and songs. This course is designed with the EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage) and KS1 in mind and can help to support language, communication and literacy though story telling and song, physical movement through yoga-inspired moves, mathematics through shapes and counting, understanding the world through sensory play and expressive arts and design through the fun, inspiring sensory and movement based classes.
Following the face to face or virtual face to face session, there are post course case studies with children in your own area to be completed and written up.
What’s the aim of this toddler and children's yoga instructor course?
To provide practitioners with the knowledge and teaching ability to safely and effectively deliver sensory and yoga-inspired sessions and courses in a variety of settings to various children aged 1 year to 7 years.
Is this adult yoga training to teach adults yoga?
No this a toddler and children's yoga course and teaches instructors to teach children basic yoga-inspired movement and sensory play. Parents are encouraged to join in but this is NOT an adult yoga course and you will not be qualified to teach adult yoga moves. Our instructors have strong backgrounds in health, education and early years.
Who can learn how to toddler and children's yoga?
All participants must have previous qualifications/ experience in one of the following: infant massage instructors, health professionals, yoga instructors, early years workers, child care professionals, experience of working with toddlers (12 months – 7 years). So as long as you have experience of children you will be able to start training.
Why should I learn how to teach toddler and children's yoga?
Once you’ve qualified as a toddler and children's yoga instructor you can expand your childcare skill set, start your own business or use your new found techniques alongside other disciplines, such as childcare, baby massage and baby yoga.
What's the outline of the course?
- Principles, history and benefits of yoga-inspired movement and sensory play
- Preparing your sessions
- Safety aspects of teaching movement and sensory play with toddlers and children
- Child development relating to pre-school children
- Health considerations for your classes
- Poses, postures, movement and stretches
- Story telling and song
- Toddler moves to aid child development
- Sensory play
- Breathing techniques for little people
- Teaching groups and with individuals
- Meeting EYFS and KS1 outcomes in your sessions
- Setting up and marketing your business
- Running toddler yoga courses both face to face and virtually online
Do I need to complete case studies with real parents and children?
Yes on all of our courses you will need to complete a group case studies with at least 4 parents/ carers and children and a one to one case study with one parent/ carer and child. We advise on the course how best to get these volunteers together.
What will I receive at the end of the course?
You'll get a certificate in toddler children's yoga. Please note this does not qualify you as an adult yoga instructor.
How much does it cost?
Our in person face-to-face toddler and children's yoga instructor course is £355pp - In house training
Our online distance learning toddler and children's yoga instructor course is £295pp
Want to teach baby yoga too? Combine any of our face to face toddler children's yoga training with a baby yoga instructor course and save ALSO.
**Online combined baby massage, baby yoga and toddler yoga instructor - £725pp
Is the toddler and children's yoga instructor course accredited and approved?
Our toddler children's yoga instructor training face to face courses are fully approved by the Complementary Therapists Association - CThA, The CPD accredited by the CPD Standards Office and we partner with Westminster Indemnity.
This means that you can join the CThA Professional Register and gain insurance for your practice. Our distance learning course for toddler yoga training is recognised by Westminster Indemnity and The CPD Standards office.
What will I need?
Each participant must bring an adult yoga mat and cushion.
Can I train in baby yoga as well?
Yes we also offer a baby yoga instructor course. This can be taken separately or combined with any toddler yoga course to for a further discount.
Do I need to be a yoga teacher to teach this course?
No you don't need to an adult yoga teacher as this is a toddler yoga-inspired course. However you do need to meet the pre-requisites above.

What else is included?
- All tuition is with Julie Cleasby who is an experienced instructor, registered paediatric nurse, health visitor and founder of To Baby and Beyond or one of her experienced team.
- Access to bi-monthly webinars with Founder Julie Cleasby on a range of topics including massage and yoga updates and also business set up.
- You will receive downloadable handouts to support your learning.
- Many video demonstrations throughout the course
- Assessment fees.
- Ongoing support throughout your post-course self-directed study.
- An exclusive invite to our student and instructor 'Huddle' group just for To Baby and Beyond.
- Monthy email updates.
- Invite to our monthly virtual Live Student coaching session with Julie
- Invite to our monthly virtual live instructor Q and A sessions with Julie or one of the training team
- Invite to our monthly Get Confident challenges
- Exclusive offers and discounts on further instructor trainings, courses and events
- Access to further reduced cost study and CPD events.
Which course is right for me?
The following 2 choices allow you to learn how to teach baby yoga within a location, time frame and environment that works for you. Face to face on our Uk open courses please see below, Distance learning (coming soon) and in house courses currently available.
Please contact Us .
What next? Further info, dates and bookings »
Active and inclusive. Everyone was able to participate. Questions were answered in detail. Time to discuss topics. Friendly and relaxed atmosphere and excellent teaching.
Catherine Doncaster, June 2017I attended the Toddler yoga instructor training course with Kimberly. The group work was enjoyable learning experience. Inspired confidence in developing skills to deliver a successful business opportunity. Highly recommended.
Wendy Walker Doncaster, March 2018I have learnt so much in regards to toddler yoga and from attending the training with experience trainer and students.
Rachel Doncaster, June 2017I feel that toddler yoga is a fantastic tool in order to enrich a story telling experience. It enables the children to get really involved in the story and encouraging the child to move and listen rather than just sitting and concentration lacking after a very short time. It also shows parents that exercise is not scary and something as simple as a story time with movements can have a huge impact on their own wellbeing as well as their child’s wellbeing. I think I will be using this in both my personal and professional life.
Beth Swansea, March 2017I loved how much sensory development was included in the sessions and I can see I will really build on this aspect for my own classes
Dawn June, 2017I now realise you can turn simple songs and rhymes into simple yoga moves and the EYFS information was really helpful as I work in a nursery.
Emma Swansea, March 2017The best thing as learning how to incorporate movements into stories, songs and rhymes. It was very informative and professional, fun and enjoyable’
Christine Swansea, March 2017The props and the handbook was great as were the classes Julie took and the ones we planned and practiced
Kirsty Swansea, March 2017It more than met my expectations because it was vert useful and full of ideas. I liked how the stretches and movements told the story in a very different way.
Tahirann Swansea, March 2017It surpassed my expectations
Sonja Swansea, March 2017It was a really fun way of learning toddler yoga - easily transferrable to our childcare groups, the was great learning the yoga moves, how to structure the session and delivering them ourselves.
Amanda Swansea, March 2017It was great learning the moves and how to use any storybook within your sessions. All of the sessions were really inspiring and gave me so many ideas.
Eiys Swansea, March 2017Thank you for another brilliant course! I have just done the Course is London which was great and lots of fun. I have also trained in Baby Massage and Baby Yoga with To Baby & Beyond. I have done face to face express courses and have found the group work really enjoyable and the coursework relevant and very useful preparation before the training day and the case studies. The courses are methodical and follow a logical format and this makes everything easy to understand and always flow really well. Julie and her team are very knowledgable and pass on a wealth experience to deepen learning along with passing on very helpful advice and tips when setting up your business. I have always felt supported in my learning and afterwards as wel. I have throughly enjoyed the journey so far - and excited to see where it takes me :) Thank you!
Misha London, June 2017
Also in this section
- Overview
- Infant massage training
- Baby yoga instructor training
- Combined bundles for instructor training
- Toddler and children's yoga training
- Toddler and pre-school yoga instructor training
- Distance / online learning
- Toddler and pre-school yoga for childcare settings
- Baby and toddler reflexology training
- Music and movement instructor training
- Calmer Stories instructor training
- Tummy time instructor training
- CPD for baby massage, baby and toddler yoga instructors
- In house courses