Published: Sunday 10 July 2016
Many of To Baby and Beyond's students learn to teach baby massage to complement their existing career. Claire Gregory is one of those students: she's an osteopath who uses baby massage with her younger clients!
Name: Claire Gregory
Lives: Trowbridge, Wiltshire
What do you teach? Baby massage
How long have you been an instructor? Since 2011
What made you want to become an instructor? Some of my work involves working with children using Cranial Osteopathy. Baby massage just seemed like the next natural step to helping parents with their child.
Have you always been an instructor? I work as an osteopath.
What’s your favourite part of your job? Seeing the smiling faces of the mums and children.
How do you keep your skills up to date? I read the latest internet articles and attend courses. We have to complete 30 hours for General Osteopathic Council <LINK: http://www.osteopathy.org.uk/home/> registration.
Do you have any favourite websites that you use? Sutherland Cranial College of Osteopathy, NICE Clinical Knowledge Summaries [CKS], Netmums
What qualities do you think are important in a baby massage instructor? You have to be relaxed and prepared for things to happen as they happen. You can't force anything to happen quickly with children.
What benefits do you derive from massage? Additional osteopathy work, happy parents and babies, and most of all personal satisfaction that you made a difference.
Have you learnt anything surprising about baby massage? I have learnt many things such as just how different each baby is irrespective of age, and also just how far oil can go when it's kicked over!
What’s your top tip for baby massage? Be relaxed
Have you had an amusing experiences in your work as an instructor? I managed to kick over oil on my first session. I was a bit nervous but it seemed to break the ice. I now use bottles!
Who would you most like to teach on one of your courses? Not sure… anyone who wants to learn, maybe third world orphanage works.
Thanks Claire! You can find Claire online here:
Website: trowbridgeosteopaths.com
Facebook: Trowbridge Osteopaths & Wellbeing
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